Sanitation is key in a hospital environment due to the nature of the work that goes on there. This can include daily cleaning of surfaces and disinfecting of beds and rooms. That being said, cubicle curtains are integral in many hospitals and clinics to maintain a sterilized environment. However, not all curtains work well for this purpose. That is because curtains can come in different styles and materials, and only a handful are fit for the job. 

If you are looking for the right cubicle curtains for your medical practice, here is how you can pick the right ones.

1. Must be durable

Hospital curtains endure a lot of stress, mostly because they are handled often when nurses and doctors move through different areas. If these curtains are not durable, they will quickly show signs of wear and tear, which can put the environment at risk of cross-contamination and more. To make sure this does not happen, be sure to pick curtains that are exceptionally durable and tear-resistant. 

2. Must be anti-static 

Hospitals commonly work with sensitive equipment. Any static present when using them can cause them to malfunction, which can be detrimental to patients. To avoid this issue, be sure to pick and choose curtains with anti-static properties. This will ensure that sensitive medical equipment can work properly without the risk of errors and misreadings. 

3. Must be hypoallergenic

A common cause of allergic reactions is the dust that collects on curtains. Sometimes, it can also be the material the curtain is made of. Be sure to invest in hypoallergenic curtains to ensure that your patients and staff are better protected, not just from allergens but also from other airborne irritants.

4. Must be resistant to stains, odours, and flames 

There are many possible sources of stains and unpleasant odours in hospital settings, which means that your curtains must be resistant to all of these to maintain a sanitary environment that promotes health and cleanliness. Other than being stain and odour resistant, your curtains should also be flame resistant. This is an added safety measure that can benefit your practice, especially in worse-case scenarios.

5. Must have an antimicrobial additive

 Germs and bacteria are commonplace in this world, even in sanitized environments like hospitals. To further promote a sanitary environment, ensure that the curtains you use have antimicrobial properties. This will eliminate any pathogens from growing on the curtains and minimize the risk of hospital-related infections.


Besides the factors mentioned above, there are other considerations you will have to make when looking for the right curtains. For instance, your curtains should be heavy so that they can stay in place, and they should be free of metals that can cause complications in your patients.

Before you go out and pick your curtains, take time to consider exactly what you need from your curtains. That way, you can make the right choice for your practice to promote a safe and sanitary environment that will help your patients recover quickly and effectively.

Direct Fabrics is a supplier of fabrics for schools, care homes, and more, offering quality items such as curtains and more to suit any need. If you are looking to purchase cubicle curtains in the UK, check out what we have to offer.