If you’ve ever stayed in a hotel, you probably wondered how these establishments could keep drafts out of each room. More often than not, this is achievable through the use of specific types of curtains. You might deem them as generic, but these types of curtains, which are often referred to as insulated or blackout, actually enables hotels to cut costs because they’re energy-efficient. By using blackout fabric, you can even incorporate the same curtains into your home, helping you save on energy while making your home more comfortable and stylish!

What are blackout curtains?

Blackout curtains are made from fabrics that include an entire system that blocks out light, reduces noise, and prevents heat transfer. They usually have four layers, which are: 

  • The outer layer: This is a decorative fabric
  • The reflective film layer: This reflects heat into your room
  • The vapour barrier: This keeps the foam from absorbing any moisture
  • The core layer of foam: This core layer insulates windows for sound and heat, usually made of high-density

Know that the market today is brimming with a variety of blackout curtains, usually known by different names, such as hobbled shades and Roman shades. 

The differences between light and energy

To fully understand how blackout curtains can save energy, it is important first to understand the differences between light and energy, as most people tend to interchange the two.


This pertains to the very light that streams into your home, helping you see without using artificial lighting. This light, however, comes at a certain price. Sunlight is hot and can quickly warm the room. You can save a little money by using natural light, but you’re likely going to shell out more money to keep the house comfortable. The heat during the winter will be welcomed, but the summer won’t be as forgiving. 


Energy essentially heats up or cools down your home, usually through the use of appliances. Moreover, it helps you see by using artificial lighting. You pay for energy every month, and the costs can be extremely high depending on your usage. Most households use half of the energy bill just for heating or cooling their homes, while the rest goes to the lights, appliances, and other necessities. 

From these facts, we can gather that light causes your energy bills to rise. By reducing that light and keeping unwanted heat outside, you’ll be able to reduce your energy use and cost. 

Can blackout curtains truly help you save energy?

Yes, blackout curtains will indeed help you save energy. They’re primarily known for blocking out light, and the same goes for temperature regulation. Think of it this way: your windows work like membranes that let the sunlight in, keep outdoor smells from coming in, and allow for air to circulate. 

At the same time, they also let the heat in, which can make your spaces uncomfortable. Without the use of any barrier, experts suggest that you lose up to 25 per cent of cooled or heated air in your home, which forces your heater or air conditioner to work harder to maintain a favourable room temperature. 

Through blackout curtains, you will be able to retain cooled air that is needed to battle the summer heat, as well as heated air needed during cold winter days. Likewise, you will be able to protect your house from the sun’s harmful UV rays. 


Purchasing blackout curtains is an investment that you should consider. Business establishments utilise them for a reason, and doing so will help you save on costs in the long run. If you’ve been on the hunt for ways to cut on energy costs, this is the answer!

If you are looking for quality blackout curtain fabrics in the UK, get in touch with us to see how we can help. We’ve made it our mission to supply the entire UK and the rest of the world with our quality fabrics.