Over the years, the idea of upholding proper fire safety measures has become an increasingly important fixture of modern British property ownership. Whether you own a care home, manage a hotel, run a school, or handle a restaurant, there’s no doubt that a constant fight against fire is needed to prevent an untimely demise. 

To combat the growing threat of house fires as climates grow fiercer, and humans become more technologically-dependent, authoritative figures and media outlets alike have spread awareness. In fact, it isn’t unheard of to hear a report or come across an article that dabbles into the idea of keeping one’s home protected from all blazes, big and small.

While there may be many key points to consider as you grow even more familiar with the idea of protecting you and your guests from property fires, the necessary purchases that come along also bear much intrigue. Thanks to constant development and research on both fire safety and prevention at the fullest extent, today’s manufacturers have come out with different products and systems that can help. 

In the case of fire-retardant curtains, in particular, both the demand for them and the intrigue surrounding them are much higher than ever, but so have the myths surrounding them.

Debunking different myths concerning fire-retardant curtains

By now, you’ve probably brushed up on the basics of how these window treatments or fixtures work: they burn to a certain extent but reduce hazards as best as possible by resisting ignition. Compared to alternative fabrics, flame-retardant curtains can reduce the propagation of flames to protect surrounding items, effectively delaying and preventing full-scale fires. Unfortunately, the rather-unfamiliar nature of fire-retardant curtains has caused British homeowners aplenty to feel hindered from buying such products or outright speculative of what they’re seeing. 

Yet, it’s worth noting that you don’t have to leave yourself susceptible to prevalent myths because we’ve got you covered with this comprehensive guide on two debunked misconceptions:

Myth #1: They aren’t effective

Contrary to the fact that there have been many people disputing the ability of fire-retardant curtains to fulfil their purpose, these pieces of modern textile technology are far more effective than most expect. Despite the proven effectiveness of flame-proofed curtains—such as those provided by Direct Fabrics—many still believe otherwise because of a lack of education and sufficient knowledge.

Although many naysayers love to claim fire-retardant curtains don’t put out fires, this is entirely wrong because such fixtures’ main purpose is to deter the spread of accidental fires. With such a material in place, there will be a significant delay in the size and spread time of a fire so that matters are taken care of before they grow into bigger problems!

Myth #2: They leave guests prone to experiencing negative health effects

Another common myth of flame retardant curtains is that they can harm the human body due to the “toxicity” that comes from retardant fabric smoke.

You see, such curtains are tested rigorously by competent UK authorities on top of constant materials research and independent testing so that establishments don’t purchase fixtures that are harmful to their guests. Thanks to the way the curtain itself works, there will be less fabric smoke because of how these fabrics mitigate the amount of smoke they produce when they burn!


Although there is much to know about fire-retardant curtains, the myths that are associated with them must be cleared because of how they can hamper such experiences. Fortunately, keeping the two myths mentioned above in mind and avoiding the mistake of falling for them will help you maximise the use of the safety equipment in question!

We’re the leading supplier of fire-resistant curtains in the UK and fire-resistant curtains for businesses, hotels, schools, and care homes. Check out our online shop today to place your order!