Running a care home is a huge responsibility because you and your employees are in charge of people’s lives and well-being. The size of your facility doesn’t matter when it comes to assuring everyone’s safety against unforeseeable incidents that can be prevented, such as flooding and fires. When you’re facing a fire situation out of your control, you have to stay alert and be prepared for it.

One way to prevent such a situation, to begin with, is to install care home blinds—preferably ones that are flame retardant and will prevent the fire from becoming significantly bigger. Before you get started with the fitting, you must guarantee that you adhere to fire safety regulations. 

Keep reading below to find out more about flame retardant blinds and why they serve as a solution for keeping your nursing home safe from fire accidents.

The Importance of Fire-Resistant Blinds for Care Homes

Generally speaking, adding blinds to a care home improves the appearance of each room, especially since they come in various designs and work to brighten up any space. More than that, however, choosing to get blinds with flame retardant properties helps ensure that your nursing home is doubly protected from unwanted accidents. 

It gives the elderly a sense of relief, knowing that they’re safe from harm at all times and that experiencing a fire is the least of their worries. As such, installing blinds improves their comfort and quality of living.

Knowing the Fire Safety Policies for Nursing Homes

Understanding the fire safety regulations for care homes is crucial because if you want to remain accountable for other people’s lives, you must do what it takes to prioritise their needs. The rules are established to help keep everyone protected at all costs—which is why it’s a no-brainer decision to follow them!

According to the Care Homes Regulations Act 2001, which was modified in 2003, care homes must initiate the proper provisions to keep elders safe from fire incidents. Moreover, The Regulatory Reform Order 2005 states that non-domestic establishments, such as residential properties and care homes, must maintain fire safety measures to minimise fire occurrences.

Fortunately, putting up nursing home blinds with fire-resistant properties can prevent fire accidents from happening and keep them from spreading throughout the vicinity. That way, you can prevent a bad situation from getting worse—all while allowing you some more time to respond to the emergency!

How Do Flame Retardant Blinds Work?

Flame retardant blinds contain innovative fabrics that let them burn significantly slower than standard blinds or curtains. In fact, these fabrics can even end up extinguishing the fire entirely! As a result, having fire-resistant blinds for your care homes can stall fires from burning faster, enough to wait for firefighters to come to the rescue and extinguish the flames. 


 Manufacturers of flame retardant blinds make sure to put functionality over form—but that doesn’t mean they’re limited in terms of aesthetics. While these are implements that provide for a safer nursing home, these can also be as fashionable as they are useful! All that matters is to get it from a renowned supplier that provides high-quality fabrics for your blinds. 

Are you looking for fire-resistant blinds for your nursing home? Direct Fabrics produces different fabrics for hotels, care homes, universities, and other establishments. Get in touch with us today to receive a quote!