Watching a stage play can be captivating and extremely fun. However, planning and preparing for the production can be a long and tedious process. Costume designers are in charge of transporting the audience to different settings and even to different times in history. They have to create the right scene on the stage by choosing the right colours and textures to provide realism to the backdrop.

This is why choosing the right fabrics for the stage is a crucial step that should never be overlooked. If you are new to the industry, here are a few tips to help you pick the right fabrics that will make your props come to life. 

1 - Keep Lighting in Mind

Stage lighting can alter the look of a certain colour or shade of fabric. Therefore, even if you think you have found a fabric that has the perfect colour for a part of your set, it is best that you consider how it will look once the bright lights start shining on it. 

2 - Do Your Research

As you are thinking about the final design of your backdrop for your stage, you need to recreate the scene perfectly to ensure authenticity. This will add to the beauty of your set and will increase the aesthetic beauty of your production. It is important to do adequate background research to ensure that you get all aspects of the stage just right.

3 - Consider the Material’s Transparency

Some fabrics may turn a little transparent when bright lights shine on them. While these may work well for some purposes, they may not work too well for others. For example, for a brick wall, you will want to use solid colours that will not end up looking transparent on stage. 

4 - Think About How the Fabrics Move

It is also essential to look into how certain fabrics move when touched. If the actors were to interact with the backdrop, how would these fabrics move? Choosing the fabric that will move in a realistic way will add to how believable your set will look.

5 - Do Not Use High-Maintenance Materials

Your production will benefit more from using materials that will not need to be cleaned or maintained that regularly. These materials will help reduce maintenance costs as well as save time when the production team gets everything ready for opening night.

6 - Make Sure the Fabrics Are Flame-Resistant

Another aspect you need to consider will be whether the fabrics and other materials you incorporate into your backdrop and settings are flame-resistant. Flame-resistant fabrics will allow you to save more items if your set accidentally catches fire.

7 - Consider the Price of Each Fabric

Lastly, it is essential that you try to find the most economical choices when it comes to the fabrics and other materials you will use for your set. Do not go for the cheapest one just to save money. Instead, purchase the most practical option that can meet your needs.


Choosing the right fabric will make your backdrop and set look realistic and aesthetically pleasing. However, you have to remember that certain fabrics may look different under bright lights and other factors. Take the time to choose the right fabrics to use for your production, as your decision will play a part in its success.

We are a supplier of fabrics for hotels, care homes, schools, and more. We provide high-quality fabrics for all occasions and needs. If you need fabric for a stage play, give us a call! We have all kinds of fabrics, including stage curtains, available for you.