Bay windows are an excellent addition to any home. Not only does it allow anyone inside to view more of the surroundings of the house, but it also acts as a perfect spot to relax and read a favourite book. If you do have bay windows installed in your home, you might be wondering what curtains you should use for them. Well, that will depend on the room that the bay windows are found in! 

Here's how you can use bay curtains for four different rooms in your home:

1. Bedroom Bay Windows

Bedrooms generally have a cosy and elegant feeling to it. Because of this, ensuring that the curtains for its bay windows are just as beautiful will help you maintain that atmosphere.

If you have large bay windows installed in your bedroom, curtains that have roman sheer designs, or any other ceiling-to-floor curtains will work exceptionally well. Since you'd want the room to be private as well, you can use two layers of curtains: one that completely blacks out the room and the other slightly transparent that allows light to enter but still prevents anyone from peeking in.

2. Bathroom Bay Windows

For your bathroom, you'd want to allow natural light in. However, you'd still want to block any view from the outside. Cafe curtains are one of the best choices you can make for this setting.

As they can be set up to cover the lower-half portion of your bay windows, not only do they give you the privacy you need, but they'll also still allow plenty of light to keep the room illuminated. Furthermore, they don't reach the floor, which is a great plus to ensure the curtains stay nice and clean. Also, they're easier to maintain compared to curtains that go all the way down and touch the floor.

3. Living Room Bay Windows

For bay windows fixed to your living room, you'd want a fabric option that will fit with the deco of your furniture and upholstery. 

There are a few design tips you can stick with when looking for living room bay window curtains. You'll want curtains that run from the ceiling down to the floor that adds a statement to your living room. As for its design and colour, you can opt for muted palettes and subtle patterns since it already stands out enough. Again, make sure that the design fits in the living room.

4. Kitchen Bay Windows

For your kitchen, you'd want curtains that not only look great but also still allow plenty of light to enter your space. 

Similar to the curtains you might have used for the bathroom bay windows, you'd want curtains that cover the top portion of your kitchen windows. Not only will this help you control how much light can enter but also enhance the aesthetics of the kitchen.


Because no home is exactly alike, you should take your time and experiment with as many different curtains as you can to figure out which one gives you the delicate balance between function and form!

If you are looking for bay curtains or bay window curtain tracks in the UK, get in touch with us today to see what we offer!