Establishments in the hospitality sector must be extra cautious when picking specific textile options for their facilities. Although it’s vital to focus on an interior option’s aesthetic design and patterns, you should also consider their other properties. Remember that your interior design options should be more than just a pretty addition to your décor; they must also effectively contribute to a safe and seamless operation.

Utilising Voile Curtains

Voile curtains are noticeably soft and floaty pieces of fabric that add a relaxing atmosphere to any room. These unique textile options are made with translucent fabric, noted for instilling privacy in rooms without blocking out light. Besides their stylish design patterns, these curtains also have numerous practical benefits to your interior spaces.

In this article, we’ll share five benefits of using voile curtains.

1. Added Level of Privacy

Curtains aren’t just important as an added part of your interior’s design; they’re also vital in maintaining your privacy and safety indoors. For this reason, it’s necessary to purchase the right texture for your rooms, especially for bathroom and bedroom spaces.

A voile curtain’s most prominent feature is its translucent texture, providing an added layer of privacy to any room. While its material may appear see-through, people outdoors won’t exactly see your interiors in clear view. If you’re worried about your interior’s visibility, you can choose between a sheer and semi-sheer option.

2. Increased Airflow

Unlike other textile options, voile curtains don’t absorb heat on their own. Instead, air and ventilation naturally pass through without suffocating your interior’s humidity. This is a great option if you want to optimise airflow without sacrificing your outdoors visibility.

3. Greater Allergen Protection

Besides protecting your home from the sunlight, curtains also block potential contaminants from entering your rooms. This can range from pollens to dust particles which can trigger allergies or spread allergens throughout your interiors.

A voile curtain isn’t just great to have for its design; it also blocks airborne allergens from penetrating your home. Besides doorways, you can hang voile curtains in kitchen windows and attics to keep pollens and similar substances from freely roaming your interiors.

4. Versatile Placement

As mentioned above, voile curtains can be placed in different windows of various sizes. This versatility is tied to the material’s weight. Voile fabric is composed of very lightweight fabric. For this reason, you don’t have to make major renovations to hang them in different parts of your home.

You can take advantage of voile curtains’ lightness to hang them in tiled bathrooms without drilling hooks to your walls. Instead, you can use an extension rod paired with heavy-duty adhesive wall hooks.

5. Easy-to-Wash Material

Part of choosing the right textile option for hospitality establishments is the maintenance work involved in cleaning them. Some bedding and textile options are naturally more challenging to wash than others, especially if they’re made from delicate or rough materials.

Since voile fabric is naturally light, you won’t need too much detergent and water during laundry day. Its lighter load makes them easy to wash and clean without burning a hole down your budget.


Being familiar with different fabrics is essential for running a hotel, spa, or any recreational facility for leisure. By expanding your knowledge of various products, you can make more well-informed decisions regarding the sustainability of your operations. If you partner with the right supplier, you’ll get to have more freedom to make these choices with ease.

At Direct Febrics, we provide clients with products to match your business's high-quality service. We hold a selection of versatile options for medical, stage, hotel, and nursing home curtains in the UK to fit your practical and aesthetic needs.  If you're looking for blackout fabric, flame retardant blinds, and other versatile textile solutions, browse our product catalogue today!