Medical fabric is an important material in the healthcare industry, which is why it must be made of high-quality. With this type of fabric, there’s no room to cut corners on, as they need to deliver the best quality, or it could put vulnerable individuals at risk. Because of this, getting the desired products all come down to your supplier, in which they must meet specific criteria. 

Whether you’re shopping for fabrics for mattresses, curtains, bedspreads, or even face masks, they must meet specific standards and should be comfortable, safe, and effective. For you to achieve all of these, you need to find the right supplier. 

In this article, we will share three vital aspects that you must look for in a supplier of medical fabrics:

1. Someone Who Provides Personalised Solutions

It’s likely that you have specific demands like special features that are not present in standard medical fabrics. For this reason, you need a supplier that can provide you with customised solutions to meet your needs. You don’t want to get stuck with a supplier who has a one-size-fits-all approach unless that’s what you need! It’s best to have someone who can accommodate your specific needs because healthcare facilities are not all the same. 

2. Someone Who Has A Strong Customer Service

At first, you might think that customer service is the least of your concerns when dealing with a medical fabric supplier. However, you might quickly change your mind when you need to contact the supplier for necessary adjustments to your orders and nobody’s picking up. Because of this, consider a supplier that is well known for its excellent customer service. 

Remember, good customer service isn’t only about accommodating you online, but offline as well. Another aspect of excellent customer service is communication and in-depth knowledge of the products they provide. Moreover, it involves a comprehensive understanding of the customers’ needs so that they can go above and beyond their standard services! 

3. Someone Who Have A Quality Assurance Program

A quality assurance program is a guarantee that the supplier adhered to proper standards when producing medical fabrics. With this, the supplier will have developed an effective quality assurance program that involves creating criteria and standards based on federal and state regulations as well as their contractual obligations. When there's a good quality assurance program implemented, you can guarantee high-quality products, and you will surely be satisfied with what you pay for. 

Professional Medical Fabric Supplier in the UK

It’s understandably tempting to choose a supplier based on convenience or go with someone that is the most affordable. However, don’t forget that “you get what you pay for.” Expect low-quality medical fabrics if you choose the supplier who has the lowest bid. When it comes to fabrics used in healthcare facilities, the quality must be your topmost priority. 

Be sure to consider the three factors above to help you find the right medical fabric supplier that will accommodate your needs. Seeing that you can choose plenty of choices in today’s market, you must research and hire a supplier that has excellent customer service, high-quality products, and a quality assurance program.

Taking the time to research will go a long way; you don’t want to hire a supplier simply because a colleague tells you they’re the best. Your healthcare facility may have different needs that require a more specialised approach when it comes to medical fabrics. 

With over 50 years of experience in contract furnishings, Direct Fabrics is one of the best suppliers of cubicle curtains in the UK that are made of high-quality materials. Get in touch with us today to learn more about our products!